Oxbridge Admissions Tests test aptitude as well as knowledge. They help colleges distinguish excellent candidates from competent ones. It’s frequently said that you can’t revise for an admissions test, but this doesn’t mean you can’t prepare for it. Over the last few years, entrance tests have become more prevalent and more important to the Oxbridge entrance process.
Top School & Uni offers students the chance to review their entrance exam preparation with a specialist admissions test tutor. This 4 hour programme supports students to ensure that they have the right test taking technique to score highly in these tests. This programme is designed for students who need a boost to their revision, or want to focus on a specific area of the exam.
Our team will carefully select your tutor and introduce them to you. From this point, you and your tutor can arrange timings for sessions together. Each of our specialist assessment tutors have experience in the exam that they focus on. Please note that our BMAT and UCAT tutors are often booked several months in advance.
Our specialist tutors are well versed in the marking criteria for Oxbridge admission tests. The aim of this course is to help students to improve their score over a period of four one-hour session sessions. By the end of their tuition, students should be able to enter their admission tests with the knowledge and conviction to pass.
Mock tests include: UCAT, BMAT, TSA, HAT, LNAT, HAT, ELAT
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London Office: +44(0)2078 460259
Oxford Office: +44(0)1865 548459
London Office: +44(0)2078 460259