Whether it is good news or not – it is useful to have a plan of action. Read below for our take on resitting your A levels.

Choosing to resit one or more of your A-levels can make all the difference to your future university and career prospects – but only if you succeed in improving your grade. If you’re looking at resitting your A-levels this year, here’s what you’ll need to do. 

Work out what went wrong the first time

If you simply repeat the approach you took to your mocks in your resits, you may be dooming yourself to failure. Spend time now going over your marks and any additional feedback you got to see if there are any clear areas for improvement. 

Get yourself organised

You might have a lot more than just your resits to be concentrating on. That’s why getting organised is so important. Make sure you have all the notes you need filed so you can find them – whether that’s on paper or electronically – and plan out your time between now and the exam with care, making sure you have enough time to study and to relax. It’s much better to work slowly and steadily than to cram everything at the last minute. 

Reacquaint yourself with the materials

An important part of preparing for your A-level resit is to sit down with the specification or syllabus for your subject, and check your knowledge against it. You can compare this with your notes to make sure there aren’t any significant areas you’ve missed out. Take the time to go through your notes, and don’t rush through any areas because you think you know them. You might be surprised at how much you’ve forgotten after a relatively short time away from school. 

Be honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses

A-levels can be just as much about technique as they are about your level of knowledge and understanding. That means once you’ve reacquainted yourself with the material, you should work on where to focus your revision; there’s no point in working hard on getting your knowledge of one module from good to outstanding if your knowledge in other areas is going to let you down. If you’re resitting multiple subjects, this is even more important so you can manage your time well. 


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