Oxford Office: +44(0)1865 548459  

London Office: +44(0)2078 460259  

Gifted children develop cognitively at a much faster rate than some of their peers. This can sometimes lead to a child feeling frustrated with the pace of school because of their high-level capabilities. High potential learners may be broadly intellectual or more focused in a specific academic field.

Will this suit my child?

Is your child:

  • Asking lots of perceptive, insightful questions or learning at a faster rate than others?
  • Showing signs of a strong retentive memory?
  • Extremely curious or can concentrate for long periods on subjects of interest?
  • Getting bored when not intellectually challenged?
  • Missing out the intermediate stages in their work or skipping to the conclusion?
  • Reciting complex theories at an early age?
  • Setting high standards for him/herself?
  • Meeting developmental milestones ahead of their chronological age?

Generally, the identification process of a child with high learning potential does not rely on IQ or test scores alone, but comes from several different sources including teachers, parents and tutors.

Some students are both gifted and have S.E.N needs (‘Twice Exceptional’).

This is a chance for students to meet with a highly academic tutor to go beyond the school curriculum. Allowing your child to learn at their own pace and probe deeper into their interests.

When a child has high learning potential they can often complete complex work with ease. However, many struggle with organisation, essay writing and other learning skills.  Our Learning Support helps them to master these skills and reach their true potential

Having a child with high learning potential can be bewildering to parents. Our learning specialists can speak with parents to offer advice on how to keep your child academically stimulated and support their learning.

Many gifted students struggle to communicate with their peer and crave more challenging dialogue. Mentoring provide the opportunity to converse with a graduate tutor about their passions.


Oxford Office: +44(0)1865 548459  


London Office: +44(0)2078 460259  

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